Saturday, July 21, 2012


Numerous doomsday event possibilities have arisen over the years, one of which is named "Niburu". Niburu (aka Planet x) is a planet which will allegedly intersect with Earth's rotational path. With this possibility of intersecting paths, the planet named Niburu would wipe out planet Earth. In order to understand this potential doomsday event, it is pertinent to understand the birth of this possibility.

Where did Niburu come from?
Niburu, the planet was originally first brought forth to the public eye by an individual named Nancy Lieder. She alleged that a planet was constructing its way towards Earth in the near future and would cause colossal and irreparable damage to the planet.
Ever since this point of revelation, the planet has been constantly discussed and alluded to by countless people. It has been described and illustrated; the time of the collision has also been released and pinpointed.

Description of Niburu
When a planet is being termed to hypothetically cause considerable damage to Earth, it is essential to learn more about it. Niburu is a planet that is allegedly proclaimed to be four times the size of planet Earth. This enormity in size would allow it to simply wipe out Earth without a second glance. Niburu is a magnetic star with giant mass enabling it to wipe out a planet like Earth. Lieder proclaimed the planet would cause an imbalance with Earth's gravitational pull and cause damage to the planet upon arrival. Some proclaim the planet will miss Earth and hit Jupiter instead. Various theories sit out there concerning the planet and its theoretical arrival.

Time of collision
The most vital factor when discussing this topic is the actual time of collision. The initial claim from Nancy Lieder stated the collision would occur on May 27th, 2003. While, the date passed without any damage, Lieder maintained she had 'lied' and the date was different. The date of collision between Niburu and planet Earth is now being linked with December 21, 2012. This date has been a subject for another doomsday theory involving the Mayans and their calendar. When combining these two theories, there has been an increase in people who believe in this.

NASA's view on Niburu
NASA was accused by Nancy Lieder for cloaking the possibility of a collision from the general public. NASA has continuously declared the Niburu theory a hoax and something which was concocted in Lieder's mind. They have stated on numerous occasions that Niburu as a doomsday event is not even a remote possibility.

Despite this view from NASA, there are numerous people who believe the truth is being covered up. There is no method for either side of the spectrum to prove their thoughts. NASA has stated their research does not indicate any such possibilities and are strictly asserted to that position.

Any such possible collision would have been noticeable by now for all astrologers. The fact no planet is in visible sight suggests the possibility of a collision are remote. This is the stance NASA has taken from the outset for these proclamations and continues to do so.

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