Humans live on a small planet amongst an infinite universe
made up of an unknown number of planets, solar systems and galaxies. To think that we are alone would be naive and
there is strong evidence to support the notion that we are not alone. Sumerian
aliens, also referred to as ancient astronauts, are the most historical
culture currently known. Sumer was a
civilization first settled between 4500 and 4001 BC in southern Mesopotamia
during the Copper Age and early Bronze Age.
Sumerians were a very advanced and unusual civilization, raising
legitimate questions as to their origins.
Many people believe that this civilization and modern man were founded
by and evolved under the guidance of extra-terrestrials commonly referred to as
The Sumerians were an incredibly sophisticated race. They are credited with inventing picture
hieroglyphs which later developed into the cuneiform script, the earliest known
language. They spoke a unique language
that is unrelated to any other type of language ever known. The Sumerians were excellent astronomers and
were the first people to map the constellations. They were able to forecast the risings and
settings of the sun precisely enough to determine eclipses and thus are
responsible for the calendars that we know and use today.
This civilization also had an incredibly advanced social
structure and built the first true cities.
They developed the first known codified legal and administration
systems, had formal schools, practiced intensive agriculture, developed textile
and clothing industries, had exceptional medical expertise in both diagnosis
and surgical methods, established sophisticated irrigation systems, built
high-rise structures and developed many architectural techniques still used today. The Sumerians are credited with inventing the
wheel and the modern number and measuring systems.
What make the Sumerians even more intriguing are their
religious beliefs. The Sumerians
worshiped a variety of gods and goddesses, collectively referred to as the
Annunaki. Sumerian records described the
‘Annunakis’ or ‘those that came from heaven to earth’ as the founders of
Sumerian civilization. The Annunaki were
documented as arriving from a planet roughly 30,000,000,000 miles away from
earth. They also document through
Cuneiform text and figurines the presence of Annunaki ‘helpers’. These helpers were not living as such; they
were more like android beings. The
descriptions of the Annunaki and their ‘helpers’ closely resembles those of
modern alien contact reports.
Interpretations of these ancient Sumerian texts and artifacts
have given rise to the theory that humans are either the creations or descendants
of Annunaki. These ancient astronauts
are thought to have acted as a ‘mother culture’, visiting earth and directly
manipulating the evolution of contemporary humans. There is other evidence to support this
theory. The Samarian civilization
emerged after a significant gap in historical and archaeological records; they
simply seem to arise out of nowhere.
Further evidence is found in anachronistic archaeological artifacts and
artifacts that are far superior to the presumed technical capabilities of this
ancient civilization. Samarian artworks
and legends have also been interpreted as representing extraterrestrial contact
and technology.
Regardless of individual belief systems, it must be
acknowledged that the Sumerian civilization presents some validity to claims of
extraterrestrial activity on earth. This
is a civilization that seemed to appear from nowhere and in a short space of
time they laid the foundations for modern society. They were both technically and socially
advanced, as well as extremely knowledgeable about astronomy, beyond what could
be anticipated for such an ancient race.